Violin is one of the most popular musical instruments. Being a solo instrument violin creates magic in the air. It has a distinct identity that adds value to an orchestra! Apart from that, the instrument has a universal appeal and suits several musical genres. It is also an inspiration for music aspirants to be able to play the violin like a pro. 

So, what’s there in the sound of a violin that feels soothing, chirpy, and melancholic at the same time? 

What is the story behind its regal shape and form? 


Who created the violin? 

Just like the music created by the violin is inspiring, so are some of the stories and fascinating trivia associated with it. 

Violin Is Around 500 Years Of Age. 

Violin was first designed by Andrea Amanti, in North Italy in the 16th century! Violin is among the first string instruments to have transcended the orbit of folk song to be included in the court performance. In the early 17th century, Claudio Monteverdi was the first to perform with the violin in his orchestra.

The String Series

Till the 17th century, the violin was one among several other string instruments – including – the fiddle, rebec, and rabab. All these string instruments differed in their sound and timbre, depending on the base material from which they were made of and the number of strings used. Initially, these were used by folk singers all across the world used to narrate stories through songs until the violin upgraded to be a part of the orchestra. Also, the unique hourglass shape gives it a very regal look – one more factor that sets it apart from other string instruments.    

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Its Formation

Violin is made up of maple or spruce wood. Though there are other options that include ebony and rosewood, maple tonewood is the most popular choice for an acoustic instrument. The backplate of the violin, its rib, neck, and scroll are made of maple wood, while spruce is used for the front plate. The wood sourced from the trees that grow in the higher altitudes is the best choice for crafting a violin. It gives the instrument its strength, durability, and richness of sound.  

Do You Know The Exact Names Of The Various Parts Of The Violin? 

Well, to begin with, there are 09 parts that include – chinrest, tailpiece, bridge, F-holes, body, strings, Peg box, Scroll, neck, fingerboard, and a bow. It is crucial to pick a good quality violin to make the learning experience more enjoyable. Violins come in different sizes. The best way to choose the right size is to spread it across the arm. There is much more to it that only an expert meteor can provide the most appropriate guidance. And if you are a newbie in the field, then you need to lookout for some excellent tips for beginner violinists. This can help you grab information about the how’s and do’s of violin.

Burn Your Calories

Here is something that will intrigue the millennials more than their love for music – one hour of playing the violin can burn about 170 calories, that equals to 2 glasses of wine or half a snicker bar. So, this is an opportunity to ditch the gym and spend more time practicing the violin. Or else you can treat yourself with half a snicker after an hour’s of practice. 

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The Types In Sizes

Violin comes in different sizes. The best way to get the right size is to stretch out your hand in the way, you would do while playing the instrument. That means when a kid starts learning violin, he begins with a smaller size that includes 1/32 or 1/16. And as he grows up, he adapts the full-sized one.

More About Its Formation

By the look of a violin, it is tough to make out that 70 pieces of wood of different shapes and sizes are used to craft a violin! The bow of a violin has about 150 to 200 hair that can be made of nylon or horsehair. It’s strings were first built from sheep gut that was stretched and twisted. Contemporary strings, however, are made of metal such as steel or plated silver. In the year 1741, Giuseppe Guarneri built the most highly-priced violin. Later it was re-valued to $18 million. 

Violin Giving Emotional Breakdown

The sound of the violin rakes a very distinct emotional response! When heard, it gives us a sad feeling. It somehow kindles the pensiveness. Have you ever wondered why? Violins have some dark notes. When these notes are tapped, it triggers our sad sentiments in the heart of the listeners. There are several instruments apart from the violin that rakes sadness. They are – violoncello, viola, piano, acoustic guitar, etc.  

One Of The Hardest Instruments To Play. 

It takes a lot of patience and hard work before you can play a melodious tune on a violin. The main reason behind this is the absence of the frets to space out the strings. Also, how it engages the whole upper body along with the chin and arms, makes it more challenging to be in that position throughout the practice session. However, all of these can be taken into stride with regular practice. 

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Learning the violin is one of the enriching experience. It has been around for the past five centuries, and continues to rule the roost as a solo & accompanying instrument. Though it originated in Europe, it is one of the most favored accompanying instruments in Carnatic classical music. 

Time To Say Good Bye

If you are an aspiring violinist, you could consider exploring several online platforms to learn violin online from the best. Just keep one thing in mind, you have to look for the platforms, that can help you provide the comfort learning experience. Else I hope this piece of information can help you go a little far with your violin learning.