Do you want to get the job of your dreams? If so, then remember it’s not just about your skillset – it’s also about how your present yourself on paper. Never in such a crowded job market has resume building been so important,

Here’s everything you need to know if you want to know how to build a resume that will get you that killer job.

1.List Your Achievements on Paper 

Start by listing your achievements on paper and deciding what you want to include in your CV and what you want to leave out. This way there is no pressure to feel that your resume has to be perfect the first time you list it. 

Try to think back through every stage of your life and list the things you have done. Don’t worry about which ones to leave out and which ones to include. That will come at a later stage.

For now, focus on getting everything out. Handwrite it, don’t bother with a computer as this will take time and can make it feel like work.

2.Summarize in as Few Words as Possible 

What should a Build a Resume include? The answer is you want to summarize your work in as few words as possible.

Going on any longer than necessary can result in your potential employer getting bored and leaving you on the infamous slush pile, even when you might be their star candidate.

Remember that so much of job hunting in the 2020s is about how you present yourself. You need to make sure all of your skills and talents are adequately represented on the page. 

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If you are struggling, then always ask your friends or family or someone good at writing to help you. Try to take an objective view on your resume and think about what an employer might think.

However tempting it might be, never lie on your resume. This can have serious consequences. You could find yourself blacklisted from getting a job at the company you’ve applied for.

Your employer could easily rescind your job offer at a later date if they believe your qualifications of experience are not accurate.

They could even pass their information onto other organizations who might also decide not to employ you. Lying is risky and rarely results in you being able to get what you want.


3.Talk to a Careers Advisor if You’re Struggling

Careers advisors vary a lot. Some of them are going to give you really good advice for how to proceed in the industry of your choice, whilst others are going to fob you off with advice that doesn’t resonate with you.

Decide if the advice resonates with you or not and whether to take it seriously. If not, then move onto another advisor or go with your gut. Also, look online for specific advice about preparing a resume for the 2021 jobs market. 

You have to pay many career advisors privately for their advice, but this can be worth it. 

A careers advisor might advise you to go back to school and complete a free diploma online to further your career. 

4.Tailor Each CV to each Job 

Remember to tailor each resume to the job you are applying for. This is one of the best resume writing tips. Employers now expect this and if they feel you have just filed off a load of resumes all at once they are likely to discard your application.

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Look carefully at the job specification and write your resume in such a way that it’s tailored to that employee.

If they are looking for one particular experience and you have that but you have since gone onto other things, then be sure to put that first on your resume – even if it’s not chronological.

5.Listen to Yourself 

Listen to your instinct. If you put together a resume for a job you are not interested in, then that may well show up in your resume. Don’t go surfing jobs board for the sake of it, picking the first thing that comes to find. This is a job-hunting mistake to avoid. 

The employer will feel it and will be unlikely to call you up for an interview. It will also take a long time because you are not interested in actually applying for the interview.

If you get halfway through applying for the job and you feel like it’s a lot of effort, then it might be worth asking yourself tough questions about whether you really want the job.

6.Spell Check 

Are you good at proofreading? If not, then this doesn’t have to stop you from applying for jobs with your resume. Instead have a close friend who is good at proofreading to help you with it.

Make sure you finish your resume early and say before the deadline for the job, so your trusted friend or a family member has the time to check your resume for you. 

Sweeten the deal by offering your friend or loved one a treat for checking over your resume. This could be a box of chocolates or an offer to do a task they don’t like for them.

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How to Build a Resume? Be Honest

The best resumes are ones in which you are completely honest. Don’t lie or exaggerate your experiences. Only apply for jobs that you know you are going to enjoy.

Don’t waste time or energy applying for jobs that you don’t like just for the sake of it.

Be sure to get someone to spellcheck your work for you before you send over your resume.

If you are interested in learning more about how to build a resume, be sure to check out the rest of our site.