These tools are of great help to any teacher, they can even be used by pro-active students who are not limited to chance, the tools are: Google Drive, Google Books, Google Classroom, Flubaroo and Google Sites . They are very innovative google tools that allow you to take teaching beyond normal with creative ideas.


1.Google Drive

Google drive is a cloud service by google that is of great help to anyone, these allow you to share any file in real time with the person you want without many requirements or complications. You just have to upload a file and send a link. Best of all, your file will be available 24/7 without risk of being lost unless you want it. It is one of the best recommended google services to backup, share and receive files.

2. Google books

Google books or as its translation says “Google books” It allows us to read complete books in their free digital version, this is a very helpful tool since it gives access to classic books that serve as a reference for any reading or research that the educator is doing . Among the categories that stand out most of the books that google books has are: literature, philosophy, but also other areas of study. You can also get books from great authors like William Shakespeare, Aristotle and many others. The search for books can be done by the title of the work, name of the author or any keyword. Some of the books give the option to download.

3. Google Classroom

Google Classroom or «Google Classroom» It is a free google tool that is specially designed for NGOs and schools. Anyone who has access to it all they need is a personal Google account. Google Classroom facilitates communication between teachers and students, both inside and outside of school. It saves time and paper, as well as creating classes, distributing assignments, talking to other users, and keeping work organized with ease.


4. Flubaroo

Although Flubaroo is not a 100% google tool, it works in conjunction with google drive. Any teacher will love Flubaroo because it shortens the time to grade short answer and multiple choice exams, then the results are analyzed in a fully automated way. In addition to grading partials and quizzes, Flubaroo also calculates overall average grade or score, average score for each question, and highlights low scoring questions. It shows a distribution graph of the score obtained.

5. Google Sites

Google sites allows anyone to create without prior knowledge a website in a few steps, which can be used by students or teachers; they can share documents, images and videos there or any other resource they prefer. It can be added quickly and efficiently the content you want to share. Like all free services, it has its limitation, the website supports only a maximum of 100 MB in size and attachments of up to 20 MB each. If more space is needed on the site, you can use optional google services such as: Google Photos or YouTube.