It will be fair to say that technology has taken over our lives. Whether it be staying connected with friends through social media or getting our queries answered through Siri and Alexa, almost everything that we do in our life is connected to technology.

According to Pew Research, a whopping five billion people own mobile devices, and approximately 2.95 billion people are present on social media.

Every field of life has been impacted by the adoption of technology. The work processes have become efficient, productivity has improved, and outcomes have multiplied. The use of technology has opened new horizons of innovation and thus led to impeccable growth in every sector.

Another important sector that has benefitted from the integration of technology isthe education sector.

As per a research conducted by the Knowledge Academy, 96 percent of teachers found technology to have a positive impact on education. Another survey conducted by the University of Phoenix identified that over 63 percent of teachers use technology in their lectures daily.

It is about time that the use of technology becomes mainstream in the education sector as well. Here are the key benefits of introducing technology in the academic sphere.


1.It gives rise to remote learning

There was once a time when students had to enroll in universities if they wish to gain the education of their choice. Indeed, universities have been offering the most in-depth and high-quality learning experience for ages, but in today’s changing world, this mode of education might be inconvenient for some.

For people who are working part-time jobs are unable to enroll full-time in a course thus are at a disadvantage when compared with students who are enrolled full-time.

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Thanks to technology integration, now universities are offering online learning solutions to the students. They can enroll in online courses, which allows them to study while also managing other responsibilities.

Technology has virtually erased the distance between students and the classroom. For example, now, a student living in Montgomery, Alabama, can enroll in a course atthe best MBA university in Florida without moving to the state. It is possible due to the online courses offered by the universities that provide the same learning as that in a classroom.

Such steps especially benefit the underprivileged students who lack resources to compete with the students of top colleges and universities.

2.Better learning and retention

For a long time, the modes of teaching have been rigid – students, teachers, classrooms, and a white/blackboard encompassed the concept of learning.

However, with the innovation of technology, and new research into our cognitive functions, it was found that interactive methods stand a better chance in increasing our learning capabilities.

It is much easier for students, regardless of their age, to understand concepts they can visualize. And this is where technology comes in handy.

By using audio-visual presentations, tablets, and 3D models, now, instructors can bring theoretical concepts to life. Rather than trying to imagine how electrolysis occurs, students can watch videos on it on projectors and virtual classrooms.

Similarly, rather than using 2D images of CT scans, teachers can show real 3D models of the structure to increase engagement and hence retention among students.

3.Better progress tracking

The marks an individual gets on their finals are not as crucial as their progress the entire year. Many educationalists believe that a year worth of academia cannot be judged solely upon how well a person performs under high-pressure in a few exams.

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Previously, tracking the progress of students was quite hard. However, integrating technology into it can make life easy for both teachers and students.

Now, one can use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Learning Management System (LMS) for assignment submissions, which ensures better class participation and transparency.

Another benefit that comes with using virtual platforms is that the progress of the students can be effectively tracked through tools like Google Analytics or Machine Learning tools. They allow instructors access to the analytics that tells them whether students have been engaging actively or not. This way, one can truly ensure that each student in the classroom is learning.

4.Better for the environment

According to Statista, the USA consumes paper worth of 96.1 billion USD. Considering the adverse impact of using paper on the environment in terms of the number of trees that need to be cut to meet demand, one can agree that it is quite wasteful.

A significant amount of paper is consumedby schools and universities. With the adoption of technology, it is easy to cut down on this usage extensively.

For instance, tablets can replace notebooks. Assignments can be submitted digitally, thus eliminating the need for submitting reports in hard copy. Hence, the education sector can play its part in reducing its impact on the environment with the use of technology.

5.Unlimited access to resources

Previously, students were limited to library hours to satiate their academic curiosity. However, with the integration of technology, resources are now accessible whenever and where ever they need.

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Whether it be reading additional books, revisiting lectures, or searching for answers for queries, students can use search engines and online academic tools for all their needs.

Now, teachers can post their lectures online. It works wonders for students. Many consider this step to be disadvantageous towards classroom learning since pupils might not pay attention in class if they think that topic discussed will be available to them regardless.

However, it should be understood that technology poses no threat to the traditional concept of a classroom. It augments its effectiveness by providing students with more avenues to learn and improve.

Ending Remarks

Technology has the power to positively impact the lives of the masses due to its accessibility. It is especially beneficial in the educational sector because it opens limitless doors for both students and teachers.

It doesn’t matter what your role is in the sector is. You can be a facilitator, a scholar, or a student, each of you will benefit from the various aspects of technology.

Incorporate it into your class and learning. Use audio-visuals to enhance the quality of lectures if you are a teacher. Leverage online courses, eBooks, and communities if you are a student. The use of technology in the education sector is beneficial for all.