With the rapid increase of lots of excellent pieces of learning content offered on the internet, some organizations have gone the inapt way of unlimited content. They overload the company’s LMS with articles, authoring tutorials, podcasts, and videos that seem at the very least useful in some way. This left them to wonder why no one is looking at any of the content. Especially since WordPress LMS came into the picture giving the learning management system a technical advancement edge. 

The harsh reality is nobody in their right sense is going to spend valuable time-wasting over figuring out what’s in there which is of their actual use. You have created a monster that scares you away. The problem behind this approach is the basic dilemma of quantity-quality balance. If you focus on quantity, your learners will be overwhelmed. Balancing quantity with quality while creating content should be the focus. The best way to achieve it through eLearning content curation. 

Content curation is a way to thoughtfully collect, research, vet, and share to meet the specified needs. Fortunately, in the internet era, there has never been so much information available easily as there is today. Need to understand that curation is different then aggregation. Content curation is the evaluation of what you collect and sifts out what does not meet your requirements so have a short-listed content specific to your needs. 

Content curation is similar to what you had done while writing your college assignments. Gather sources on the topic and go through them while eliminating the topics that don’t meet your needs and relevancy. You need to judge whether or not the content is what you need. And the reason behind doing this is to share the best with your learning audience for effective results.

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Define your purpose

The specific goal in mind is to create a learning experience that helps employees in honing their skills at what they do to contribute to your organization’s success. To start with, you need to understand what are the goals of your business? Where it stands and where you need it to be? Define what directly impacts the goal, performance, and gap. After determining the situation and purpose, you will know what you need for learning content. If you lack proper resources to judge the type of content is required, then eLearning content curation is your option. Find the resources that are the best fit for your needs and vet them.

Selective with content curation

After exploring what the internet has to offer, you may come up with an initial draft of potential resources addressing different aspects of learning topics. But as you go through with the process of content curation, you will end up with five that are worthy. While vetting, you need to be very thorough and careful to make sure you end up with the best content in the final draft. It will not be done the right way if you curated the resources without going through the whole article. Watching open bits won’t do good. A careful review of the entire piece is important to judge the reliability of the resources. eLearning content curation assembles courses that you can just purchase and learners can take it on the site where it is available. In case, what you have curated is a wide array of source material, you just have to curate in a course format that will redirect your learners to read, listen, or watch to the different bits of content. 

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Small businesses or startups usually do not have the capacity to build all the content and training programs in-house to meet their business’s goals. Understanding the dynamics of eLearning content curation is one of the best ways to attain the content without actually creating it.