Numerous higher learning institutions around the world offer several courses from different fields. Most of the courses offered require individuals to complete full academic years two, three, or four depending on the level and the area of study. 

However, there has been a growing demand and interest for short-term courses that do not stipulate a four-year college degree. Besides, most people are looking for faster ways to add viable credentials to land jobs or skill growth. And this is where online certificate programs suit you.

Finding the best online certification program may not be straightforward, given the vast number of options. Fortunately for you, we’ve done all the research and curated a detailed list of the best programs. Better still, we’ll help you save time and reduce unnecessary guesswork. 

But first, let’s learn what online certification programs are and why you need them.  


What are online certificate programs?

An online certificate program is an internet-delivered course that offers knowledge and skills in a specific field or subject area. Usually, they are designed to be completed within a year or less, after which you should do an online exam. If you pass the test, you should get a certificate for the qualification. 

The best part is that you can enroll and have the classes anywhere as long as you are connected to the internet.

Why choose online certification?

Most employers would prefer individuals with established credentials, and a certificate would boost chances for those seeking competitive positions.

Interestingly, a variety of benefits are available for you who want to pursue an online certification. Of the programs offered are soft skills and technical skills, among others. 

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Besides, most people would enroll in online courses to begin new careers or fulfill their need to advance their skills in specific areas through professional training. Attaining certification is the best way to show that you have a better understanding of the field or a proficient level of skills and knowledge in specific fields.

The main objective of online programs is to help you develop or advance on a specific skill within a shorter period to further your professional and academic goals.

Now, let’s delve into a number of certificate programs you should consider taking.

Best online certificate programs to take in 2021

You can get the qualifications you need depending on the study locations or field through online certification programs. Here are the best programs according to different areas.

Business field

Here are business-related certificate courses to consider for individuals dreaming of being successful entrepreneurs or looking for a career change and skills advancement in the business field.

  • Digital Marketing
  • Business Accounting and Analytics
  • Risk Management
  • Leadership and Management
  • Project Management Professional

A certificate in these courses, along with many others, would prove you have extra knowledge or skills and improve your resume for business-related jobs. But most importantly, you will learn how the strategies necessary for starting, and managing customer-driven businesses.

Technical field.

The modern world is increasingly relying on technology, meaning there is a need for continuous technological education. And technical online programs are designed to help individuals learn modern inventions or devices and how they can operate them.

Technology-certificate related courses you need to consider are:

  • Computer science
  • Data science
  • Information technology
  • Certificate Electrical Engineering, among others.
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Health Care field

Quality health care services are essential in promoting, maintaining, and managing diseases and deaths.

Here are some of the healthcare certifications that would help you become eligible in the healthcare field: 

  • Certified Mental health Care
  • Certified patient care technician
  • Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
  • Certified Coding Specialist Physician-based
  • Certified Pharmacy Technician

Education field

Education is a broader field that entails teaching and training future professionals to develop practical and intellectual skills. 

For the educational online certification programs, candidates can learn basic education concepts, practices, and teaching methods from different learning environments.

Below are educational certifications that can boost your education experiences:

  • Certificate in Early Childhood Education
  • Certificate in Special Education
  • Certificate in Sciences
  • Certificate in Foreign Languages (various languages depending on your interests), among others

Certification in Social science fields

Social science is a field of studying human life- interaction and their decision-making processes. Those in this field are offered varieties of career opportunities. 

For instance, those who want to specialize in this field can do certificates in:

  • Political Science
  • Cultural Studies
  • Employee Management and Relations
  • Crimination Investigations
  • Analytic management
  • Investment Advisory, among others.

Final thoughts

Nothing favors your profession like the online certification programs. They offer an excellent way to explore vast career opportunities without leaving your homes. Besides, you can advance or gain new skills or knowledge in different fields of your choice. Luckily, with our list of the best online certification programs, your search is made more accessible.