Studying for a degree later in life can be very rewarding. In general, the term ‘older student’ is applied to anyone 21 years of age or older who did not continue their higher education after finishing school, but who have valuable experience to contribute in class and are often enthusiastic. That is why universities always welcome the elderly.

And it is that although it may seem that the university is only for those who are 21 years old or younger, higher studies are not only for adolescents. Every year, thousands of students apply for higher education courses at any stage of their life.

They choose to study for various reasons, for example, they may want to change careers, improve their job prospects, or simply learn more about a subject that interests them.


Senior students at university

The return to the university

More and more people are taking up their studies, either to change careers, to expand their education or simply for the pleasure of learning. Going back to university is an important decision that raises concerns but at the same time generates a lot of hope. We share 3 helpful tips to improve the experience of older students upon reentry into college.

3 golden tips to facilitate the incorporation of older students

Take the time to adjust

To re-learn to study and understand the operation of the university needs an adaptation period. That transition time affects how long it takes you to adjust to all aspects of college life.
You can start gradually, taking online courses to give yourself time to learn new ways of working and to familiarize yourself with the demands of the university.

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Lean on your environment and ask them for collaboration

College education is intensive and leaves less time spent on family or personal responsibilities. Involve the rest of the family members and don’t hesitate to delegate some household chores. During peak periods, those around you can help you with some academic assignments, such as serving as an audience for your oral presentations. They will be more proud to have participated in your success.

Think about your goals

The tendency to set goals that are too high and even unattainable is seen in many of the students who return to college. In general, those who set the goals too high are more likely to be affected by the unexpected results. Change that thought and try to adjust your goals at first to your new reality. You may gradually raise your level of demand throughout the training.

Take advantage of the opportunity of distance studies

Having access to flexible and quality educational opportunities makes it easy for many adults to complete their college education. At Promerits we have a wide quality educational offer that responds to the new professional profiles demanded by the market, with topical degrees and masters. If you are still not clear about what training to choose, look at the options of our training offer. If you need expert advice we will be happy to help you.